When did I start thinking about Early Retirement..

I started thinking about early retirement from last couple of years and thought that I can achieve at the age of 47 or 48 with rough estimate. During last two years, two of my friends retired from current IT life style to spend more quality time with family and pursue their happiness in activities which they love. Seeing them, my interest towards early retirement increased.

Luckily my investments during last two years gave good returns in addition to my onsite savings (is in UK from last two years) made me to realise that I can retire early in this year, this month (May 2020). Cross verified my numbers with financial advisors before making a decision on early retirement.

I didn’t hear about F.I.R.E concept till March 2020. While searching for finance related articles, came to know about www.MrMoneyMustache.com and realised that it is very popular in western world.

Main motivation behind my idea of FIRE are Quality time with Family,  spend time in ashram helping  spiritual seekers, focus on health and live happily.

Please share from when you started thinking or planning for Early Retirement.


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