
Thought to write about Health related things what I am focussing on now.

I strongly believe that health is very important in all phases of life especially from early 40s. And if we lose control over it at this phase of life then it is more difficult to bring it to normal. So my focus on health from last two years increased. And will continue spending more time on health related aspects.

Before discussing on what I follow and wish to follow related to Health, like to tell about myself..

During childhood and early stages of life till mid 20s, I had very lean and under weight to normal weight physique. And being busy in IT field, didnt notice that body shifted to skinny fat mode and started feeling fatigue, tested Diabetes type-2 (border level), high cholestrol (Triglycerides). Within no time, skinny fat body started accumulating more fat (and less muscle) and not able to come out of chronic fatigue. 

Did few diets and yoga whenever infrequently whenever finds time or to say exactly, whenever my mind gets energy to focus on health after draining out in job. But it was of no use. Fatigue was becoming a norm eventhough want to feel energetic. Whatever energy we had was getting consumed in office related activities and getting exhausted and no window for any other activities.

During 30s, got kids and became so busy that dont know how time was passing. And ended up into fatigue, more fat% in body (around 30%) than muscle % and dragging life to do activities. Definitely was feeling it was not by natural body state.

Two years back got an opportunity in UK (onsite) which gave me some space to think about and focus on my health. Luckily I got an opportunity where I will be working from home mostly and will be stepping out to meet my clients in UK/Europe. Eventhough travel was bit hectic, it gave a good opportunity for me to spend time with family (eventhough it is not quality time) and realise what mistakes we are doing personally to my health, relationships etc. 

Working in IT made my mind to always keep brooding about work (24*7) and do other activities without getting involved completely. I am not complaining about work here as I love my work but it impacted other aspects of life. UK opportunity gave me a chance to think about other aspects in life and started focussing on Health.

On top of it, made a decison last year about early retirement and informed Employer about it (9 months in advance to FIRE date). It also helped my mind to start unwinding some patterns of brooding over work.

Started going to gym from last 18 months and enjoyed working out. Closely monitoring fat % and noticed some muscle and strength gain. Will discuss about what diet and gym workouts I am doing in remaining part of this post. As I am continously doing workout (6 times a week) and with unwinding process of mind, slowly able to see the changes in how I feel during daily routine. 

Now able to feel much lighter, fat % also all time low near to 15%, strength improved. Not mentioning body weight here as body weight was not a big concern for me because I was very lean and got a bit overweight lately. Now weight is also on-par (on lower side of ideal weight range). I consider and give importance to  how I feel during day than any other parameters because I know how pathetic it is to feel tired, exhausted, fatigue whole day.

What activities or changes contributed to these results..

1. Reduction of stress levels because of change in working style to an extent and decision of early retirement date.
2. Workouts regularly - 5-6 times a day (mostly 6 times). Subscribed to Athlean-X (AX1 and AX2 programs)  - Will cover more on these topics in future posts
3. Diet - From last three months, started Intermittent fasting which is helping me a lot in getting fat% to my desired goal of 15% and reducing weight. Feeling more energetic and lighter now days from the time I started IF diet. Will discuss more in detail on diet in future posts.
4. Yoga - During these lockdown we all know that gyms are closed. So while exploring workouts at home, found few yoga sessions which I was following.

Will discuss more on each topic in detail in future posts.

Keep sharing your comments or feel free to ask any questions..



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