My desired daily routine after retirement (Edited)

Want to post about my post retiremet routine. When I told close friend about it (didn't share about FIRE to relatives and other friends), first question he asked is why are you planning to spend time, you will get bored and can't stay at home etc. Those are valid questions.

Like to discuss in this forum about how you guys are planning to spend.

From my end.. first things first. I am not retiring from something but eagerly waiting to retire into something (passions, dreams, Health etc). 

My key driving factors for your early retirement (not so early at the age of 43)..

Quality time with family
Well being (Spiritual and physical)

Following is my list based on these driving factors..

1. Wake up early and finish meditation and workouts before kids get up
2. Make kids ready, spend some time with them and send them to school (sometimes drop them to school if I am at home and not travelling anywhere). Most probably will end up taking lunch box also to them during lunch time.. I guess so. My wife will force me to do :))
3. Spend 3-4 hours at ashram training people who are interested to learn meditation (I am spiritual trainer and seeker too)
4. Come back home by lunch time and spend some time with wife before kids arrive.
5. Spend remaining time with friends chilling out, with family, making them sleep too (ya.. love to do it as my kids are still young at age 8 and 5). After 5-6 years, they won't prefer to spend time with us as they will have lot of friends etc. But will ensure I am also going to be good friend.
6. Chill out with friends, go for movies etc 
7. Ofcourse some long drives, travel to watch cricket (booked tickets for World up T20 in Australia.. will go if it happens otherwise will travel in India watching IPL) and some family travels to visit my brother etc
8. Have plans to go for yoga retreats to learn Angamardhana and more tougher yoga. And also some detox retreats in mind.

As of now.. these things keep me busy and more importantly make me happier and busy in positive way.

Like to hear about yours


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