Jurassic Coast and more importantly Chesil Beach

Didnt ever thought that I will write about my travel in this blog. Couple of reasons behind that are too much travel in UK, Europe during last few years and sunsconsciously mind is not eager to explore places. I have many other things to explore in the list. But my trip last week to Chesil beach made me to write about it.

Last week planned to go to Weymouth Public beach with Jurassic coast drive as main attraction. Went to Weymouth public beach and drove Jurassic coast two years back after a month of moving to UK. Because of beautiful landscape around Jurassic coast, thought to drive again.

As part of it, reached Weymouth public beach in the afternoon considering two young kids, not possible to start early in mornings.. ofcourse my wife is not morning person which is main reason :) 

Spent three hours in Weymouth public beach. Enjoyed blue sea, lovely soft sand and as usual kids does not want to leave the beach after three hours of play in the beach. With lot of convincing, kids agreed to leave the beach and got into car at around 6pm. Told kids that it will take 2.5hours to reach home as we will be taking Jurassic coast which is not in the direction of our home.

Started enjoying Jurassic coast and its beautiful landscapes. Always it is pleasure to drive on coast. I will not miss any chance driving on this road whenever I come to UK. Till then no clue about Chesil Beach and it was not in our plan. We saw the board to Chesil beach while driving but ignored thinking it is another beach. After driving for a mile or so from sign board to Chesil beach, we stopped at view point to take pics. After taking few pics, felt to turn the car back towards Chesil beach with a plan to see beach/lake from far for 5 min and again drive on Jurassic Coast. 

About Chesil Beach..

"Measuring 18 Miles long and up to 50 feet high in places, Chesil Beach is an integral part of the Jurassic Coast landscape. This UNESCO World heritage site, encompasses a shallow tidal lagoon and fleet, as well as miles of shingle and pebble beach.

Creating a natural barrier against the coastal tides as well as a unique habitat for birds, mammals and plants, it is a place to take it slow, admire the landscape and drink in the spectacular sea views."

We reached Chesil beach and surprised with the calmness and how natural beach is. Immediate thought was Chesil Beach, the best in the world. My ego kicked in and told myself that Malaysia islands (Langkawi, Redang etc) are also on par with this. I spent 5 years in Malaysia during initial stages of career so I have special place to islands in Malaysia. Need to visit Malaysia islands once to see whether I get same experience again.

Coming back to Chesil Beach.. beautiful, serine beach. It s surprise that there is no sand at all in the beach even near water. It is all tiny peanut sized pebbles. There is special aura to this beach. Cant explain in words what it is. Very calm, natural and sound pebbles make with waves is amazing.

To my surprise, I saw for the first time people fishing using fishing rod. Lot of surprises with Chesil beach which I didnt plan in my trip. I fell in love with the beach within a minute or two of stepping into the beach. 

Instead of 5-10min at beach, we spent almost 3 hours till night in the beach and left the beach with firm stance of visiting the beach again in a week's time. Will sure visit this beach again and again whenever I come to UK.


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