
Was thinking last week about what little things make you joyful. To be frank, joyfulness wont see whether smaller or bigger things or giving happiness to us. Most of the times, we will be in joy for very tiny things. So thought to list out what gives me more happiness. 

Being in busy life for the last 20+ years in IT and in competitive education system before that, slowly forgot to continue doing things which gave me happiness. Sometimes even though I was doing things which gave me happiness, mind was in a rush and in a race mode so didnt enjoy those much.

Now hopefully mind settles down and comes out of inertia (of all these competitive years) in next few months. Based on experiences shared by other FIRE folks, it takes anywhere between 6 months to 1 year to unwind whatever wiring happened to our mind because of rat race and stress.

And I am keeping wishlist seperate from things which gives me more happiness. In wishlist, we may have activities which we didnt do till now, we dont know how the experience will be and whether wishlist is just because of social media. For example, going in a cruiseship is one of my wishlist but I dont know whether I really enjoy it and match to whatever is wired into my mind. So keeping wishlist seperate from favourite list. 

Following things are my favourite..

  • Cricket and other sports - Especially Cricket (watching and playing) - Like many Indians
    • Booked tickets for WorldCup T20 in Australia this year but dont know whether it happens or not because of Covid. Hope it happens.
  • Movies
    • Love to watch movies atleast once a week in theatre
  • Eating seasonal fruits buying on road like Jujube, Jamun etc :)
  • Long drives with friends and hanging around with them
  • Train journey and enjoying train stations and atmosphere in hilly areas or remote villages
  • Nice filter coffee
  • Playing cards with friends
Like to know your favourite list which gives you more happiness. If we see, these are all very small things and no need to plan and do.


  1. My list is very simple..
    Barbeque with friends
    Hanging around with family
    Watching football in pub
    Travel to exotic locations
    Sunbath in beach during sunny days
    Some more are there but I'm wishlist


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