Stepping into new Lifestyle - F.I.R.E

First about me.. I am IT professional from last 20+ years, travelled to different countries more frequently and lived in two countries other than India for more than 10 years at different phases of life. I am aged 43, married and have two young kids.

As mentioned in title, now stepping into new life style which is Post-Retirement phase. Starting this blog to share my journey, why and how decision has been made to retire Early and to continue sharing my experiences.

Why to share my journey and experiences..

1. Like to share my experiences with like minded people so that I can also hear from them and learn new things
2. Noticed that there are very few blogs/forums related to Early retirement in India
3. Track our progress regularly.


  1. Hi.. Good to see your blog especially on F.I.R.E from this part of world. Looking forward to hear your experiences. I am also pursuing FIRE and looking forward to retire by 45. By the way, when did you first hear about early retirement or FIRE?

    1. Hi Bhaskar.. Thanks for your comments. Happy to see you are aiming to retire early by 45. Best of luck.
      About your question, I first heard about FIRE concept/terminology only two months back. But my friends retired couple of years back which made me to start thinking about early retirement. My two years UK opportunity and my investment in real estate gave me an advantage to make a decision to retire 3-4 years earlier than I thought (at 43)

  2. Hi.. looking forward to read your journey. What made you so confident about leaving IT job and retiring early where early retirement is not normal?

    1. Hi Jani.. Thanks for your comments. I will ensure I keep sharing my experiences on a continuous basis.
      About your question, it is bit tricky to answer. Saw couple of my friends retiring in last two years with less corpus made me to start thinking about it. As there were not many online forums related to FIRE India, my friends were the only sources. So spent enough time with them in understanding dynamics and made a decision.


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