
Showing posts from June, 2020

Jurassic Coast and more importantly Chesil Beach

Didnt ever thought that I will write about my travel in this blog. Couple of reasons behind that are too much travel in UK, Europe during last few years and sunsconsciously mind is not eager to explore places. I have many other things to explore in the list. But my trip last week to Chesil beach made me to write about it. Last week planned to go to Weymouth Public beach with Jurassic coast drive as main attraction. Went to Weymouth public beach and drove Jurassic coast two years back after a month of moving to UK. Because of beautiful landscape around Jurassic coast, thought to drive again. As part of it, reached Weymouth public beach in the afternoon considering two young kids, not possible to start early in mornings.. ofcourse my wife is not morning person which is main reason :)  Spent three hours in Weymouth public beach. Enjoyed blue sea, lovely soft sand and as usual kids does not want to leave the beach after three hours of play in the beach. With lot of convincing, kids agr...

My Journey from Investments point of view

During initial days of career, I never thought about budgeting, tracking expenses as I was getting good salary even though it was less than my friends who joined MNCs through Campus interview.  I was not selected in Campus interviews in my Engineering college at that time so I took the path of doing few IT courses, applying for a job through ad in newspaper (I was talking about 1999).  Whereas my friends landed directly into good MNCs and started earning better salary.  Joined in small start-up in 1999 which gave me an onsite opportunity with just having less than 2 years of experience in IT industry. And onsite opportunity continued for 5 years which started initially with 6 months. Going back to topic today, I never worried about how much I was spending during initial stages of career eventhough my money landed into good investments because of my father. I was sending money to my father without much thinking where it was going, I was also spending a lot during that phas...

Mindset or thought process during FIRE Journey

Like to create this post to share my experiences on how mindset and thought process is changing during FIRE journey more from the time of informing employer about retirement and exit date. From the time I mentioned about leaving the organisation in Sep 2019 to employer, mind slowly started settling down. Started experiencing glimpse of how the mind will be after retiring. That hint or glimpse whatever I experienced in Nov/Dec is mostly different from state of mind at that time free from stress, rushness and whatever corporates bring into one's mind. Hope as days goes on, will be living with more clarity especially in my own natural rhythm than whatever winding happened to my mind from last 30+ years (counted from the time of college days to corporate world). Milestones (so far): Sep 2019 - Informed employer that I will be leaving in last week of May 2020. is very well advance notice considering attachment with the organisation. May 2020 - Want to retire in India (and not in ...

Few things which worked for me financially

Like to share few things which worked for me financially knowingly or unknowingly in my journey.. 1. Starting early in career to invest - Thanks to my dad who invested on my behalf. I didnt have any clue why to invest at that point of time. We were busy in chasing our passions, exploring new technologies, doing experiments with those etc during initial stages of career. 2. In Real estate, I always ensured  I have strategy before buying so that not attached to any property I owned. Clearly having a plan of at what point to sell. Always ensured that as soon as I sell any property, immediately invested in other property. It is possible for me because of good friend's circle and main importantly I was active in such things eventhough I was working more than 12+ hours in office daily. 3. Didn't pay off my house loan early (which I purchased for investment and not for me living in it).. got good rent and yielded good returns when I sold the house. Reason for not clearing home loan is...


Was thinking last week about what little things make you joyful. To be frank, joyfulness wont see whether smaller or bigger things or giving happiness to us. Most of the times, we will be in joy for very tiny things. So thought to list out what gives me more happiness.  Being in busy life for the last 20+ years in IT and in competitive education system before that, slowly forgot to continue doing things which gave me happiness. Sometimes even though I was doing things which gave me happiness, mind was in a rush and in a race mode so didnt enjoy those much. Now hopefully mind settles down and comes out of inertia (of all these competitive years) in next few months. Based on experiences shared by other FIRE folks, it takes anywhere between 6 months to 1 year to unwind whatever wiring happened to our mind because of rat race and stress. And I am keeping wishlist seperate from things which gives me more happiness. In wishlist, we may have activities which we didnt do till now, we dont ...


Thought to write about Health related things what I am focussing on now. I strongly believe that health is very important in all phases of life especially from early 40s. And if we lose control over it at this phase of life then it is more difficult to bring it to normal. So my focus on health from last two years increased. And will continue spending more time on health related aspects. Before discussing on what I follow and wish to follow related to Health, like to tell about myself.. During childhood and early stages of life till mid 20s, I had very lean and under weight to normal weight physique. And being busy in IT field, didnt notice that body shifted to skinny fat mode and started feeling fatigue, tested Diabetes type-2 (border level), high cholestrol (Triglycerides). Within no time, skinny fat body started accumulating more fat (and less muscle) and not able to come out of chronic fatigue.  Did few diets and yoga whenever infrequently whenever finds time or to say exactly, ...

My desired daily routine after retirement (Edited)

Want to post about my post retiremet routine. When I told close friend about it (didn't share about FIRE to relatives and other friends), first question he asked is why are you planning to spend time, you will get bored and can't stay at home etc. Those are valid questions. Like to discuss in this forum about how you guys are planning to spend. From my end.. first things first. I am not retiring from something but eagerly waiting to retire into something (passions, dreams, Health etc).  My key driving factors for your early retirement (not so early at the age of 43).. Quality time with family Well being (Spiritual and physical) Health Passions Following is my list based on these driving factors.. 1. Wake up early and finish meditation and workouts before kids get up 2. Make kids ready, spend some time with them and send them to school (sometimes drop them to school if I am at home and not travelling anywhere). Most probably will end up taking lunch box also to them during lunch...

My Target Corpus

Based on Financial advisor's inputs, decided to have 25X of annual expenses as my retirement corpus with separate buckets for Kids education and for buying house. You heard right.. I am living in rented house and will continue to live till me and my wife feel to live in own house. Got good friends and network in India so those helped me to invest in Real Estate, MFs, Friend’s businesses and get good returns. After following few articles in,, came up with template to track expenses and plan for budgets. From beginning, my expenses are on higher side so added some buffer while coming up with budget .. ·        My expenses in India from next month (projected and will fine tune based on actuals) – Fixed and Dynamic is roughly 2.5L per month which corresponds to 30L per annum. ·        This includes school fees, Term insurance, Kids education policies etc. My investment strategy is very simple · ...

When did I start thinking about Early Retirement..

I started thinking about early retirement from last couple of years and thought that I can achieve at the age of 47 or 48 with rough estimate. During last two years, two of my friends retired from current IT life style to spend more quality time with family and pursue their happiness in activities which they love. Seeing them, my interest towards early retirement increased. Luckily my investments during last two years gave good returns in addition to my onsite savings (is in UK from last two years) made me to realise that I can retire early in this year, this month (May 2020). Cross verified my numbers with financial advisors before making a decision on early retirement. I didn’t hear about F.I.R.E concept till March 2020. While searching for finance related articles, came to know about and realised that it is very popular in western world. Main motivation behind my idea of FIRE are Quality time with Family,  spend time in ashram helping  spiritual seek...

Stepping into new Lifestyle - F.I.R.E

First about me.. I am IT professional from last 20+ years, travelled to different countries more frequently and lived in two countries other than India for more than 10 years at different phases of life. I am aged 43, married and have two young kids. As mentioned in title, now stepping into new life style which is Post-Retirement phase. Starting this blog to share my journey, why and how decision has been made to retire Early and to continue sharing my experiences. Why to share my journey and experiences.. 1. Like to share my experiences with like minded people so that I can also hear from them and learn new things 2. Noticed that there are very few blogs/forums related to Early retirement in India 3. Track our progress regularly.