Jurassic Coast and more importantly Chesil Beach
Didnt ever thought that I will write about my travel in this blog. Couple of reasons behind that are too much travel in UK, Europe during last few years and sunsconsciously mind is not eager to explore places. I have many other things to explore in the list. But my trip last week to Chesil beach made me to write about it. Last week planned to go to Weymouth Public beach with Jurassic coast drive as main attraction. Went to Weymouth public beach and drove Jurassic coast two years back after a month of moving to UK. Because of beautiful landscape around Jurassic coast, thought to drive again. As part of it, reached Weymouth public beach in the afternoon considering two young kids, not possible to start early in mornings.. ofcourse my wife is not morning person which is main reason :) Spent three hours in Weymouth public beach. Enjoyed blue sea, lovely soft sand and as usual kids does not want to leave the beach after three hours of play in the beach. With lot of convincing, kids agr...